Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Jungle Theme Cakes

I made this cake for a 1st year Birthday party of a baby girl. The cake weighed about 3.5 kg. The cake had 4 layers of rich chocolate Mousse filling with chocolate butter cream coat. The cake was covered with fondant & all the characters were made out of gum paste. The grass was piped with vanilla butter cream. The main part in this cake is the Monkey. The client sent me a picture of a monkey which is her daughters fav toy. That is why I have put the monkey in the centre & the figurine is slightly big.



  1. wow...this is soo cute..esp the tiny lovely pink flowers on the "1"..really liked it.

  2. ur a super women for sure.. u baked this...:)
    keep in touch,

  3. Cooll..Looks very cute..Kudos dear..

  4. What a pretty cake! Cooking especially baking is my stress buster, though I have never tried my hand on fondant work.

  5. hey u have a great blog....we can follow each other on GFC,bloglovin and twitter. do let me know when u follow and i will u back
